This event is run following the 11 principles of burning nest and other regional burns.
These are what defines any Burn, they are open to interpretation, and every Burner (that’s you!) applies and expresses them slightly differently,
the important thing is to try and apply them yourself, and to be patient with others who are doing the same!
These principles are important to us and our community, so please take some time to read and understand them.
Consent - The 0th Principle
This is key to making our event a safe and fun place – everyone is expected to check before a hug, or anything else! As a guideline remember FIRES. Consent should be:
Freely given
(Assumed or coerced consent is not consent)
(Consent requries knowing what's involved)
(Can be withdrawn at any time)
(It must be a yes, not a maybe)
(Consent to one thing does not mean yes to another)
Everyone should feel able to join in, without your help, there is no burn, so however you choose to, get involved!
Radical Self-Reliance
Be responsible for yourself, this includes food, water, suitable clothes (and unsuitable if you wish!) and emotional support.
Leave No Trace
We care for the space we are using, which means respecting our environment and the wishes of the site hosts, and trying to leave the space just as we found it.
Radical Inclusion
Welcome those you don’t know and acknowledge their contribution. Include others as you want to be included, with respect, consideration and kindness.
Be here, not distracted, we only have this moment to enjoy our beautiful event, let's make the most of it, get involved, enjoy.
Celebrate our knowledge as a community with individual skills and experiences. Support each other to grow and learn through sharing.
Communal Effort
We value cooperation and working together. We are better together.
Civic Responsibility
Care for the burner community, and the wider world, be a positive change, and in the context of DeFrost respect our neighbours and the local law.
Away from capitalism and advertising, keep your money and instead focus on working with others to make things happen, share in the culture of gifting, cooperation and participation.
Radical Self-Expression
We are all unique, and DeFrost is the perfect space to express your uniqueness, through thought, creativity, and whatever you choose to wear.
It’s worth repeating that there is nowhere to spend money once you arrive at DeFrost, anything that is offered is freely given with no strings attached. These can come in whatever form you like, make a gift, bring a spare snack, be ready to lend a hand.